Interactive blog ideas help make your content pop.

Blog articles are a central puzzle piece in successful content marketing strategies. 

The humble blog has proven its worth over the years.

Blog content can become a traffic-generating machine when done right.

The challenge lies in keeping your content fresh and original.

Readers (and Google) love that.

Which is why we’re covering these 11 interactive blog ideas.

  1. Quizzes

  2. Surveys

  3. Calculators

  4. Assessments

  5. Interactive slideshows

  6. User-generated content

  7. Interactive infographics

  8. Social media embeds

  9. Product configurators

  10. Interactive stories

  11. Animated GIFs

1. Quizzes

Quizzes are a powerful way to make your blog content pop. They actively engage your readers.

Quizzes are fun - I'm a sucker for a good quiz.

They can also help you educate readers about your industry.

For instance, you could test their knowledge about your services.

Keep it lighthearted and offer answers as they progress. This is great for educating your audience, especially if your industry is more complex.

Sharing your knowledge through a quiz makes the experience memorable and enhances user engagement.

Why not try a quiz in an interactive blog?

  • Transform passive content consumption into an active learning process

  • Make your blog original and stand out from the crowd

  • Inspire deeper connections with the content


Benefits of quizzes for interactive blogs

  • Increase engagement - Users interact directly with your content, increasing engagement rates. Interactive content for websites gets 52.6% more engagement than static content.

  • Educate readers - Engaging readers helps them retain information better. Offer personalized feedback based on answers to add value while teaching them about your services​.

  • Spread awareness - Promote sharing on social media for higher brand visibility. The most shared quiz published between 2017-2022 got a total of 5.5 million social interactions. You're flying if you get a fraction of that.

  • Collect data - Gather valuable data about your audience's preferences and knowledge levels. Use this to hone future content for laser focus​.

  • Capture leads - Adding a required email field lets you capture leads. Users complete the quiz, submit their email, and get results. You could make submitting their email optional, which helps you qualify leads.

Tips for quizzes in interactive blogs

  • Use the best tools - Select a quiz-building tool like Convert that offers features like customizable templates, conditional logic, and analytics.

  • Relevant and fun - Entertaining quizzes (relevant to your blog's topic) will resonate with your target audience and encourage participation​​.

  • Promote interaction - Prompt readers to share their quiz results on social media. This helps spread awareness and get more traffic to your site.

  • Analyze feedback - Use interaction data to understand your audience and refine your content strategy. For instance, you could learn which topics interest readers most. Create more targeted content around these subjects.

2. Surveys

Surveys are a great example of interactive marketing.

Including surveys in an interactive blog helps you collect the following:

  • Opinions

  • Feedback

  • Preferences

You give readers a platform to express their views.

This enhances interaction and shows you value your readers.

You might ask questions about: 

  • The quality of the blog content

  • The topics they want more info on

  • Any improvements they'd find helpful


Benefits of surveys for interactive blogs

  • Relevant content - Understanding your readers helps you create more relevant content. This can boost audience satisfaction.

  • Informed decisions - Let audience feedback guide your blog content strategy. Give the people what they want, folks.

  • More loyalty - Giving readers a voice builds community and promotes loyalty. Would you engage more with a business that seeks and acts on your feedback?

Tips for surveys in interactive blogs

  • Choose the best tools - Use powerful survey-maker software like Convert. We offer extensive customization options, integration ease, and data analysis capabilities. Create professional-looking surveys - without coding skills​.

  • Short and relevant - No need for survey novellas. Keep them short and focus on relevant questions. This increases the chances of survey completion.

  • Participation incentives - Give people something as a thank you for completing the survey. This might be premium content, a free trial, or a discount.

  • Analyze and action feedback - Study survey responses to understand comments in a broader context. Take appropriate action based on the feedback. Truly resonate with your audience and show you value their input​.

3. Calculators

Embedding interactive calculators in your blogs lets you offer personalized answers to your audience.

Calculators ask specific questions and deliver tailored results.

A financial services business might use calculators to promote its product range.

Interactive calculators boost user engagement. They return personalized results and deliver immediate value.


Benefits of calculators for interactive blogs

  • Personalized experiences - Calculators adapt their results based on user inputs. Your audience gets highly relevant and personal data. This increases user satisfaction and trust​.

  • More engagement - Audience participation boosts the time spent on your site. This improves the overall engagement with your business​.

  • Lead generation - Calculators are excellent lead generation tools. You can prompt users to input their contact details to access results. Users get valuable data while you collect their information.

  • Informed decision-making - They help users understand complex services. Your audience can make informed decisions about your services - with your help.

Tips for calculators in interactive blogs

  • Identify needs - Develop calculators that address specific user needs. Your calculator should provide clear value to your audience, whether calculating finances or potential savings​.

  • Simple interface - Ensure your calculator interface is user-friendly. A simple, clean design with clear instructions helps people use the tool more effectively​.

  • Use powerful software - A platform like Convert is a powerful no-code option for creating interactive calculators. We provide drag-and-drop interfaces and various templates to simplify building interactive calculators.

  • Visual elements - Enhance calculators with graphs or sliders to simplify information and make it more engaging​.

  • Mobile optimization - Most users will access your calculator on mobile devices​​. Always make sure it's mobile-friendly.

4. Assessments

Assessments in interactive blogs can measure audience knowledge and enhance engagement.

Let's say your business teaches English as a second language.

You might include a quick interactive test in your blog. It could ask readers questions based on the previous section.

Actively involving readers in the blog content transforms passive reading into an active learning experience.

This deepens engagement and helps readers retain information.


Benefits of assessments for interactive blogs

  • Boost engagement - Readers actively participate in assessments. This gets them more involved in your content. Assessments are superb in educational contexts. Interaction can significantly enhance the learning experience.

  • Insights into knowledge - You gather data on what readers know about your topics. Say you see a high percentage of wrong answers on a specific topic. You can create more content to help your audience understand the subject better.

  • Improved content quality - Analyzing the outcomes of assessments helps you create better content. Using insights to generate more relevant content improves the quality for readers.

Tips for assessments in interactive blogs

  • Diverse formats - Use different assessment types like short answer questions or scenario-based tests to keep content fresh. This can cater to various reader preferences and learning styles. Your assessments will be more inclusive and engaging​​.

  • Integration with objectives - Ensure each assessment aligns with the key learning objectives of your content. This alignment keeps content relevant​.

  • Feedback and correction - Provide immediate feedback to responses. This aids in learning and keeps the readers engaged. 

  • Use software - Leverage software that helps you create and manage interactive assessments. Tools like Convert help you embed assessments directly into your blog. This provides a seamless experience for your readers​.

5. Interactive slideshows

Interactive slideshows are a clever way of presenting information on your blog. The sequential display of images, text, and other media lets you make information more digestible.

Slideshows can guide the viewer through a narrative.

Or they can showcase detailed descriptions of:

  • Products

  • Services

  • Processes

The storytelling aspect helps you keep readers engaged.

Benefits of slideshows for interactive blogs

  • More engagement - Breaking information into digestible, sequential parts keeps the audience engaged. Interactive elements like clickable arrows or dots encourage active participation​.

  • Information retention - The visual nature of slideshows helps readers retain information. Complex information becomes easier to understand​.

  • Versatility - Slideshows are versatile enough for a range of topics. Use them for educational content, marketing showcases, and more.

Tips for slideshows in interactive blogs

  • Keep it simple - The best slideshows are often generally simple and concise. Confusion is your enemy when delivering content. Convey your message clearly and without unnecessary distractions.

  • Device optimization - Ensure your slideshow is responsive and looks good on desktop and mobile devices. Adjust the size of text and images for easy viewing on smaller screens​​.

  • Navigation control - Let users control the navigation. You might include arrow controls for forward and backward movement. Dot navigation lets users quick jump to specific slides. Navigation control enhances user experience.

  • Consider SEO - Include keyword-rich alt texts for images. Keep your slideshow headings relevant to the topic, ensuring they're SEO-friendly. This helps boost visibility​​.

6. User-generated content

User-generated content (UGC) involves your audience in the creation process. They contribute content ranging from reviews and testimonials to images and videos.

Say your business is teaching woodwork. You could ask students to send images of their work or videos of them working.

UGC can significantly increase engagement. Your readers feel a part of your community.

Benefits of user-generated content for interactive blogs

  • Authenticity and trust - UGC is more genuine to readers. Because it comes from people using your products or services. This authentically shows your business in action, building trust.

  • Improved SEO - Fresh UGC can boost SEO. Because it often contains relevant keywords and can generate additional content naturally.

  • Content diversity - You can showcase various voices and perspectives, making your content more diverse. UGC also has a high sharing potential, increasing reach and engagement across different platforms​​.

Tips for user-generated content in interactive blogs

  • Encourage participation - Make it easy and rewarding for users to submit their content. Host contests, offer incentives, or show how much you value their contributions. Giving users a platform can motivate them to participate​.

  • Make UGC prominent - Integrate UGC into vital areas of your blogs. This enhances credibility with your readers and keeps your content fresh​.

  • Maintain quality - Curate the content to maintain high standards. Don't post UGC on your blog for the sake of it. The content should be high quality and relevant.

7. Interactive infographics

Interactive infographics let readers consume content visually. Viewers can engage directly with data and content.

They can use interactive elements like:

  • Clickable icons

  • Hover changes

  • Embedded images

This transforms your content into a more dynamic and engaging experience.

Benefits of interactive infographics for blogs

  • Enhanced engagement - Letting users interact with data helps capture attention more effectively. It keeps your audience engaged for longer​.

  • Improved understanding - They make complex data more accessible and easier to understand.

  • Increased retention - Interaction leads to better retention of information. Because engaging actively with data helps us reinforce learning​​. People remember 80% of what they SEE and DO.

  • Greater reach - Interactive infographics are more likely to be shared, increasing their reach. This helps you spread awareness​ and get more eyes on your blog content.

Tips for interactive infographics in blogs

  • Clear objectives - Define what you want to achieve with your infographic. This helps guide the design and functionality of the interactive elements. 

  • Simple layout - Ensure the interactive elements aren't overwhelming. They should enhance the message rather than detract from it. Guide users through the information​ with visual cues.

  • Responsive design - Check your interactive infographic performs well on all devices. Adapt content to different screen sizes and orientations for the best user experience​​.

8. Social media embeds

Integrating social media posts into blog articles can offer a richer content experience.

You can make your blog articles more engaging and timely with embedded posts from platforms like X (not calling it Twitter is still weird), Facebook, and Instagram.

The visual and interactive nature of social media can complement the informational content of the blog.

Benefits of social media embeds for interactive blogs

  • More relatable - Social media embeds can make your blog posts more relatable.

  • Social proof - They introduce a layer of social proof, showing real-time engagement or reactions to related topics. This can help establish credibility and trust with your audience.

  • Timely content - Help make the content feel more current and connected to broader social conversations.

Tips for social media embeds in interactive blogs

  • Relevant content - Make sure the social media content is on topic with your blog post. This might be a tweet from an expert, a viral Instagram photo, or a LinkedIn carousel.

  • Use official tools - Most social media platforms offer official embedding tools. These generate a snippet of code you can insert into your blog's HTML. This ensures the post displays correctly and updates dynamically.

  • Follow guidelines - Social media platforms have specific rules and limitations for embedding content. Adhering to these helps the embedded content function properly and doesn't violate any terms of service​.

  • Encourage interaction - Encourage readers to interact with your content on social media with calls to action. This can help spread awareness about your blog content.

9. Product configurators

Product configurators on blog pages let readers customize products within your content.

Potential customers can visualize and modify various aspects of a product. They can configure:

  • Color

  • Size

  • Parts

  • And more

This enhances the online shopping experience.

Product configurators are most effective when customers are ready to buy. I'd suggest using them for bottom-of-the-funnel blog content.


Benefits of product configurators for interactive blogs

  • Enhanced engagement - Configurators engage users by allowing them to interact with the product virtually. This increases time spent on your site and deeper engagement with your content​.

  • More conversions - They can significantly increase the chances of sales. Because configurators offer a hands-on, customized experience. Customers can see what they're buying, reducing hesitation and boosting conversions​.

  • Improved satisfaction - Allowing customers to configure products ensures they receive what they want. This improves customer satisfaction​.

Tips for product configurators in interactive blogs

  • Choose the best tools - Use powerful software like Convert to create product configurators. We let you set up complex product rules, dynamic pricing, and payments in a simplified no-code builder.

  • High-quality visuals - Use quality visuals that render changes in real-time as users customize the product. This helps users make informed decisions and enhances purchase confidence​.

  • Simplify navigation - Ensure your configurator is easy to use and navigate. Display all steps in the configuration process clearly.

  • Responsive across devices - The configurator should work seamlessly across desktops, tablets, and smartphones to accommodate all potential customers​.

  • Pricing transparency - Update pricing in real-time as customers customize their products. This prevents surprises at checkout and builds customer trust​.

10. Interactive stories

Interactive stories let your readers make choices that influence the content.

You could turn a typical blog into a dynamic and participatory experience. Interactive stories generally have various decision points. These lead to different story arcs, depending on the reader's choices.

Your interactive blog might do this around topics. The reader chooses:

  • Topic A

  • Topic B

  • Topic C

Each choice leads the reader to different content.

Benefits of interactive stories for blogs

  • Captivate readers - involving them directly in the content progression offers a unique and personalized reading experience.

  • More engagement - This interactivity can significantly enhance engagement. Because readers feel a sense of agency and involvement in the content's direction.

  • High replay - Interactive stories have high replay value because readers can explore different options. Maybe they chose Topic C and want to check out Topic A.

Tips for interactive stories in blogs

  • Topic building - Start by choosing clear topics relevant to your business. Picking subjects connected with each other is also a good idea​.

  • Meaningful choices - Ensure the options for readers are meaningful and impact the content's direction. For instance, you might ask readers what problem they want to solve. Their answers affect the content in the next section.

  • Test and revise - Interactive stories in blogs are complex. They need thorough testing to ensure all branches are relevant and engaging. 

  • Multimedia elements - You could use images, videos, and audio for a richer multimedia experience. This approach makes the content more engaging and has a broader appeal.

11. Animated GIFs

Animated GIFs in blog posts can add humor, explain concepts, or draw attention.

You might use them to break down a process or highlight product features.

Benefits of animated GIFs for interactive blogs

  • Boost engagement - GIFs capture attention with their motion. They keep readers engaged with the content longer than static images.

  • Better explanation - They can effectively demonstrate processes or illustrate how products work. This is more digestible than text descriptions alone.

  • More memorable - GIFs are memorable and can make your content stand out, especially if they're rare in your industry. Their unique use can improve the recall of your message.

Tips for animated GIFs in interactive blogs

  • Compress file sizes - Optimize GIFs to maintain fast page load times. This is crucial for user experience and SEO.

  • GIF with purpose - Ensure your GIFs serve a specific purpose. You might use them to explain a complicated process or enhance a call to action. Avoid excessive GIF use because it can be distracting and annoy readers​.

  • Integrate with content - Seamlessly integrate GIFs within your blog posts where they add value. Don't just add them as decorative elements. They should support the points you make in the blog article​.


There are plenty of good tools to create interactive content. Once you have decided what you'd like to create, choose the right tool for you.

You likely noticed some common benefits for each interactive blog idea.

Interactive elements in your blog content:

  • Boost user engagement

  • Spread brand awareness

  • Personalize user experience

  • Build a community with readers

  • Help gather audience insights

  • Improve product education

  • Generate more leads

Are you ready to get in on these benefits? Do you want to start creating interactive blogs?

Convert is a powerful tool for:

Build interactive elements for your blog article in minutes - no coding skills needed.

Interactive blog ideas help make your content pop.

Blog articles are a central puzzle piece in successful content marketing strategies. 

The humble blog has proven its worth over the years.

Blog content can become a traffic-generating machine when done right.

The challenge lies in keeping your content fresh and original.

Readers (and Google) love that.

Which is why we’re covering these 11 interactive blog ideas.

  1. Quizzes

  2. Surveys

  3. Calculators

  4. Assessments

  5. Interactive slideshows

  6. User-generated content

  7. Interactive infographics

  8. Social media embeds

  9. Product configurators

  10. Interactive stories

  11. Animated GIFs

1. Quizzes

Quizzes are a powerful way to make your blog content pop. They actively engage your readers.

Quizzes are fun - I'm a sucker for a good quiz.

They can also help you educate readers about your industry.

For instance, you could test their knowledge about your services.

Keep it lighthearted and offer answers as they progress. This is great for educating your audience, especially if your industry is more complex.

Sharing your knowledge through a quiz makes the experience memorable and enhances user engagement.

Why not try a quiz in an interactive blog?

  • Transform passive content consumption into an active learning process

  • Make your blog original and stand out from the crowd

  • Inspire deeper connections with the content


Benefits of quizzes for interactive blogs

  • Increase engagement - Users interact directly with your content, increasing engagement rates. Interactive content for websites gets 52.6% more engagement than static content.

  • Educate readers - Engaging readers helps them retain information better. Offer personalized feedback based on answers to add value while teaching them about your services​.

  • Spread awareness - Promote sharing on social media for higher brand visibility. The most shared quiz published between 2017-2022 got a total of 5.5 million social interactions. You're flying if you get a fraction of that.

  • Collect data - Gather valuable data about your audience's preferences and knowledge levels. Use this to hone future content for laser focus​.

  • Capture leads - Adding a required email field lets you capture leads. Users complete the quiz, submit their email, and get results. You could make submitting their email optional, which helps you qualify leads.

Tips for quizzes in interactive blogs

  • Use the best tools - Select a quiz-building tool like Convert that offers features like customizable templates, conditional logic, and analytics.

  • Relevant and fun - Entertaining quizzes (relevant to your blog's topic) will resonate with your target audience and encourage participation​​.

  • Promote interaction - Prompt readers to share their quiz results on social media. This helps spread awareness and get more traffic to your site.

  • Analyze feedback - Use interaction data to understand your audience and refine your content strategy. For instance, you could learn which topics interest readers most. Create more targeted content around these subjects.

2. Surveys

Surveys are a great example of interactive marketing.

Including surveys in an interactive blog helps you collect the following:

  • Opinions

  • Feedback

  • Preferences

You give readers a platform to express their views.

This enhances interaction and shows you value your readers.

You might ask questions about: 

  • The quality of the blog content

  • The topics they want more info on

  • Any improvements they'd find helpful


Benefits of surveys for interactive blogs

  • Relevant content - Understanding your readers helps you create more relevant content. This can boost audience satisfaction.

  • Informed decisions - Let audience feedback guide your blog content strategy. Give the people what they want, folks.

  • More loyalty - Giving readers a voice builds community and promotes loyalty. Would you engage more with a business that seeks and acts on your feedback?

Tips for surveys in interactive blogs

  • Choose the best tools - Use powerful survey-maker software like Convert. We offer extensive customization options, integration ease, and data analysis capabilities. Create professional-looking surveys - without coding skills​.

  • Short and relevant - No need for survey novellas. Keep them short and focus on relevant questions. This increases the chances of survey completion.

  • Participation incentives - Give people something as a thank you for completing the survey. This might be premium content, a free trial, or a discount.

  • Analyze and action feedback - Study survey responses to understand comments in a broader context. Take appropriate action based on the feedback. Truly resonate with your audience and show you value their input​.

3. Calculators

Embedding interactive calculators in your blogs lets you offer personalized answers to your audience.

Calculators ask specific questions and deliver tailored results.

A financial services business might use calculators to promote its product range.

Interactive calculators boost user engagement. They return personalized results and deliver immediate value.


Benefits of calculators for interactive blogs

  • Personalized experiences - Calculators adapt their results based on user inputs. Your audience gets highly relevant and personal data. This increases user satisfaction and trust​.

  • More engagement - Audience participation boosts the time spent on your site. This improves the overall engagement with your business​.

  • Lead generation - Calculators are excellent lead generation tools. You can prompt users to input their contact details to access results. Users get valuable data while you collect their information.

  • Informed decision-making - They help users understand complex services. Your audience can make informed decisions about your services - with your help.

Tips for calculators in interactive blogs

  • Identify needs - Develop calculators that address specific user needs. Your calculator should provide clear value to your audience, whether calculating finances or potential savings​.

  • Simple interface - Ensure your calculator interface is user-friendly. A simple, clean design with clear instructions helps people use the tool more effectively​.

  • Use powerful software - A platform like Convert is a powerful no-code option for creating interactive calculators. We provide drag-and-drop interfaces and various templates to simplify building interactive calculators.

  • Visual elements - Enhance calculators with graphs or sliders to simplify information and make it more engaging​.

  • Mobile optimization - Most users will access your calculator on mobile devices​​. Always make sure it's mobile-friendly.

4. Assessments

Assessments in interactive blogs can measure audience knowledge and enhance engagement.

Let's say your business teaches English as a second language.

You might include a quick interactive test in your blog. It could ask readers questions based on the previous section.

Actively involving readers in the blog content transforms passive reading into an active learning experience.

This deepens engagement and helps readers retain information.


Benefits of assessments for interactive blogs

  • Boost engagement - Readers actively participate in assessments. This gets them more involved in your content. Assessments are superb in educational contexts. Interaction can significantly enhance the learning experience.

  • Insights into knowledge - You gather data on what readers know about your topics. Say you see a high percentage of wrong answers on a specific topic. You can create more content to help your audience understand the subject better.

  • Improved content quality - Analyzing the outcomes of assessments helps you create better content. Using insights to generate more relevant content improves the quality for readers.

Tips for assessments in interactive blogs

  • Diverse formats - Use different assessment types like short answer questions or scenario-based tests to keep content fresh. This can cater to various reader preferences and learning styles. Your assessments will be more inclusive and engaging​​.

  • Integration with objectives - Ensure each assessment aligns with the key learning objectives of your content. This alignment keeps content relevant​.

  • Feedback and correction - Provide immediate feedback to responses. This aids in learning and keeps the readers engaged. 

  • Use software - Leverage software that helps you create and manage interactive assessments. Tools like Convert help you embed assessments directly into your blog. This provides a seamless experience for your readers​.

5. Interactive slideshows

Interactive slideshows are a clever way of presenting information on your blog. The sequential display of images, text, and other media lets you make information more digestible.

Slideshows can guide the viewer through a narrative.

Or they can showcase detailed descriptions of:

  • Products

  • Services

  • Processes

The storytelling aspect helps you keep readers engaged.

Benefits of slideshows for interactive blogs

  • More engagement - Breaking information into digestible, sequential parts keeps the audience engaged. Interactive elements like clickable arrows or dots encourage active participation​.

  • Information retention - The visual nature of slideshows helps readers retain information. Complex information becomes easier to understand​.

  • Versatility - Slideshows are versatile enough for a range of topics. Use them for educational content, marketing showcases, and more.

Tips for slideshows in interactive blogs

  • Keep it simple - The best slideshows are often generally simple and concise. Confusion is your enemy when delivering content. Convey your message clearly and without unnecessary distractions.

  • Device optimization - Ensure your slideshow is responsive and looks good on desktop and mobile devices. Adjust the size of text and images for easy viewing on smaller screens​​.

  • Navigation control - Let users control the navigation. You might include arrow controls for forward and backward movement. Dot navigation lets users quick jump to specific slides. Navigation control enhances user experience.

  • Consider SEO - Include keyword-rich alt texts for images. Keep your slideshow headings relevant to the topic, ensuring they're SEO-friendly. This helps boost visibility​​.

6. User-generated content

User-generated content (UGC) involves your audience in the creation process. They contribute content ranging from reviews and testimonials to images and videos.

Say your business is teaching woodwork. You could ask students to send images of their work or videos of them working.

UGC can significantly increase engagement. Your readers feel a part of your community.

Benefits of user-generated content for interactive blogs

  • Authenticity and trust - UGC is more genuine to readers. Because it comes from people using your products or services. This authentically shows your business in action, building trust.

  • Improved SEO - Fresh UGC can boost SEO. Because it often contains relevant keywords and can generate additional content naturally.

  • Content diversity - You can showcase various voices and perspectives, making your content more diverse. UGC also has a high sharing potential, increasing reach and engagement across different platforms​​.

Tips for user-generated content in interactive blogs

  • Encourage participation - Make it easy and rewarding for users to submit their content. Host contests, offer incentives, or show how much you value their contributions. Giving users a platform can motivate them to participate​.

  • Make UGC prominent - Integrate UGC into vital areas of your blogs. This enhances credibility with your readers and keeps your content fresh​.

  • Maintain quality - Curate the content to maintain high standards. Don't post UGC on your blog for the sake of it. The content should be high quality and relevant.

7. Interactive infographics

Interactive infographics let readers consume content visually. Viewers can engage directly with data and content.

They can use interactive elements like:

  • Clickable icons

  • Hover changes

  • Embedded images

This transforms your content into a more dynamic and engaging experience.

Benefits of interactive infographics for blogs

  • Enhanced engagement - Letting users interact with data helps capture attention more effectively. It keeps your audience engaged for longer​.

  • Improved understanding - They make complex data more accessible and easier to understand.

  • Increased retention - Interaction leads to better retention of information. Because engaging actively with data helps us reinforce learning​​. People remember 80% of what they SEE and DO.

  • Greater reach - Interactive infographics are more likely to be shared, increasing their reach. This helps you spread awareness​ and get more eyes on your blog content.

Tips for interactive infographics in blogs

  • Clear objectives - Define what you want to achieve with your infographic. This helps guide the design and functionality of the interactive elements. 

  • Simple layout - Ensure the interactive elements aren't overwhelming. They should enhance the message rather than detract from it. Guide users through the information​ with visual cues.

  • Responsive design - Check your interactive infographic performs well on all devices. Adapt content to different screen sizes and orientations for the best user experience​​.

8. Social media embeds

Integrating social media posts into blog articles can offer a richer content experience.

You can make your blog articles more engaging and timely with embedded posts from platforms like X (not calling it Twitter is still weird), Facebook, and Instagram.

The visual and interactive nature of social media can complement the informational content of the blog.

Benefits of social media embeds for interactive blogs

  • More relatable - Social media embeds can make your blog posts more relatable.

  • Social proof - They introduce a layer of social proof, showing real-time engagement or reactions to related topics. This can help establish credibility and trust with your audience.

  • Timely content - Help make the content feel more current and connected to broader social conversations.

Tips for social media embeds in interactive blogs

  • Relevant content - Make sure the social media content is on topic with your blog post. This might be a tweet from an expert, a viral Instagram photo, or a LinkedIn carousel.

  • Use official tools - Most social media platforms offer official embedding tools. These generate a snippet of code you can insert into your blog's HTML. This ensures the post displays correctly and updates dynamically.

  • Follow guidelines - Social media platforms have specific rules and limitations for embedding content. Adhering to these helps the embedded content function properly and doesn't violate any terms of service​.

  • Encourage interaction - Encourage readers to interact with your content on social media with calls to action. This can help spread awareness about your blog content.

9. Product configurators

Product configurators on blog pages let readers customize products within your content.

Potential customers can visualize and modify various aspects of a product. They can configure:

  • Color

  • Size

  • Parts

  • And more

This enhances the online shopping experience.

Product configurators are most effective when customers are ready to buy. I'd suggest using them for bottom-of-the-funnel blog content.


Benefits of product configurators for interactive blogs

  • Enhanced engagement - Configurators engage users by allowing them to interact with the product virtually. This increases time spent on your site and deeper engagement with your content​.

  • More conversions - They can significantly increase the chances of sales. Because configurators offer a hands-on, customized experience. Customers can see what they're buying, reducing hesitation and boosting conversions​.

  • Improved satisfaction - Allowing customers to configure products ensures they receive what they want. This improves customer satisfaction​.

Tips for product configurators in interactive blogs

  • Choose the best tools - Use powerful software like Convert to create product configurators. We let you set up complex product rules, dynamic pricing, and payments in a simplified no-code builder.

  • High-quality visuals - Use quality visuals that render changes in real-time as users customize the product. This helps users make informed decisions and enhances purchase confidence​.

  • Simplify navigation - Ensure your configurator is easy to use and navigate. Display all steps in the configuration process clearly.

  • Responsive across devices - The configurator should work seamlessly across desktops, tablets, and smartphones to accommodate all potential customers​.

  • Pricing transparency - Update pricing in real-time as customers customize their products. This prevents surprises at checkout and builds customer trust​.

10. Interactive stories

Interactive stories let your readers make choices that influence the content.

You could turn a typical blog into a dynamic and participatory experience. Interactive stories generally have various decision points. These lead to different story arcs, depending on the reader's choices.

Your interactive blog might do this around topics. The reader chooses:

  • Topic A

  • Topic B

  • Topic C

Each choice leads the reader to different content.

Benefits of interactive stories for blogs

  • Captivate readers - involving them directly in the content progression offers a unique and personalized reading experience.

  • More engagement - This interactivity can significantly enhance engagement. Because readers feel a sense of agency and involvement in the content's direction.

  • High replay - Interactive stories have high replay value because readers can explore different options. Maybe they chose Topic C and want to check out Topic A.

Tips for interactive stories in blogs

  • Topic building - Start by choosing clear topics relevant to your business. Picking subjects connected with each other is also a good idea​.

  • Meaningful choices - Ensure the options for readers are meaningful and impact the content's direction. For instance, you might ask readers what problem they want to solve. Their answers affect the content in the next section.

  • Test and revise - Interactive stories in blogs are complex. They need thorough testing to ensure all branches are relevant and engaging. 

  • Multimedia elements - You could use images, videos, and audio for a richer multimedia experience. This approach makes the content more engaging and has a broader appeal.

11. Animated GIFs

Animated GIFs in blog posts can add humor, explain concepts, or draw attention.

You might use them to break down a process or highlight product features.

Benefits of animated GIFs for interactive blogs

  • Boost engagement - GIFs capture attention with their motion. They keep readers engaged with the content longer than static images.

  • Better explanation - They can effectively demonstrate processes or illustrate how products work. This is more digestible than text descriptions alone.

  • More memorable - GIFs are memorable and can make your content stand out, especially if they're rare in your industry. Their unique use can improve the recall of your message.

Tips for animated GIFs in interactive blogs

  • Compress file sizes - Optimize GIFs to maintain fast page load times. This is crucial for user experience and SEO.

  • GIF with purpose - Ensure your GIFs serve a specific purpose. You might use them to explain a complicated process or enhance a call to action. Avoid excessive GIF use because it can be distracting and annoy readers​.

  • Integrate with content - Seamlessly integrate GIFs within your blog posts where they add value. Don't just add them as decorative elements. They should support the points you make in the blog article​.


There are plenty of good tools to create interactive content. Once you have decided what you'd like to create, choose the right tool for you.

You likely noticed some common benefits for each interactive blog idea.

Interactive elements in your blog content:

  • Boost user engagement

  • Spread brand awareness

  • Personalize user experience

  • Build a community with readers

  • Help gather audience insights

  • Improve product education

  • Generate more leads

Are you ready to get in on these benefits? Do you want to start creating interactive blogs?

Convert is a powerful tool for:

Build interactive elements for your blog article in minutes - no coding skills needed.

Interactive blog ideas help make your content pop.

Blog articles are a central puzzle piece in successful content marketing strategies. 

The humble blog has proven its worth over the years.

Blog content can become a traffic-generating machine when done right.

The challenge lies in keeping your content fresh and original.

Readers (and Google) love that.

Which is why we’re covering these 11 interactive blog ideas.

  1. Quizzes

  2. Surveys

  3. Calculators

  4. Assessments

  5. Interactive slideshows

  6. User-generated content

  7. Interactive infographics

  8. Social media embeds

  9. Product configurators

  10. Interactive stories

  11. Animated GIFs

1. Quizzes

Quizzes are a powerful way to make your blog content pop. They actively engage your readers.

Quizzes are fun - I'm a sucker for a good quiz.

They can also help you educate readers about your industry.

For instance, you could test their knowledge about your services.

Keep it lighthearted and offer answers as they progress. This is great for educating your audience, especially if your industry is more complex.

Sharing your knowledge through a quiz makes the experience memorable and enhances user engagement.

Why not try a quiz in an interactive blog?

  • Transform passive content consumption into an active learning process

  • Make your blog original and stand out from the crowd

  • Inspire deeper connections with the content


Benefits of quizzes for interactive blogs

  • Increase engagement - Users interact directly with your content, increasing engagement rates. Interactive content for websites gets 52.6% more engagement than static content.

  • Educate readers - Engaging readers helps them retain information better. Offer personalized feedback based on answers to add value while teaching them about your services​.

  • Spread awareness - Promote sharing on social media for higher brand visibility. The most shared quiz published between 2017-2022 got a total of 5.5 million social interactions. You're flying if you get a fraction of that.

  • Collect data - Gather valuable data about your audience's preferences and knowledge levels. Use this to hone future content for laser focus​.

  • Capture leads - Adding a required email field lets you capture leads. Users complete the quiz, submit their email, and get results. You could make submitting their email optional, which helps you qualify leads.

Tips for quizzes in interactive blogs

  • Use the best tools - Select a quiz-building tool like Convert that offers features like customizable templates, conditional logic, and analytics.

  • Relevant and fun - Entertaining quizzes (relevant to your blog's topic) will resonate with your target audience and encourage participation​​.

  • Promote interaction - Prompt readers to share their quiz results on social media. This helps spread awareness and get more traffic to your site.

  • Analyze feedback - Use interaction data to understand your audience and refine your content strategy. For instance, you could learn which topics interest readers most. Create more targeted content around these subjects.

2. Surveys

Surveys are a great example of interactive marketing.

Including surveys in an interactive blog helps you collect the following:

  • Opinions

  • Feedback

  • Preferences

You give readers a platform to express their views.

This enhances interaction and shows you value your readers.

You might ask questions about: 

  • The quality of the blog content

  • The topics they want more info on

  • Any improvements they'd find helpful


Benefits of surveys for interactive blogs

  • Relevant content - Understanding your readers helps you create more relevant content. This can boost audience satisfaction.

  • Informed decisions - Let audience feedback guide your blog content strategy. Give the people what they want, folks.

  • More loyalty - Giving readers a voice builds community and promotes loyalty. Would you engage more with a business that seeks and acts on your feedback?

Tips for surveys in interactive blogs

  • Choose the best tools - Use powerful survey-maker software like Convert. We offer extensive customization options, integration ease, and data analysis capabilities. Create professional-looking surveys - without coding skills​.

  • Short and relevant - No need for survey novellas. Keep them short and focus on relevant questions. This increases the chances of survey completion.

  • Participation incentives - Give people something as a thank you for completing the survey. This might be premium content, a free trial, or a discount.

  • Analyze and action feedback - Study survey responses to understand comments in a broader context. Take appropriate action based on the feedback. Truly resonate with your audience and show you value their input​.

3. Calculators

Embedding interactive calculators in your blogs lets you offer personalized answers to your audience.

Calculators ask specific questions and deliver tailored results.

A financial services business might use calculators to promote its product range.

Interactive calculators boost user engagement. They return personalized results and deliver immediate value.


Benefits of calculators for interactive blogs

  • Personalized experiences - Calculators adapt their results based on user inputs. Your audience gets highly relevant and personal data. This increases user satisfaction and trust​.

  • More engagement - Audience participation boosts the time spent on your site. This improves the overall engagement with your business​.

  • Lead generation - Calculators are excellent lead generation tools. You can prompt users to input their contact details to access results. Users get valuable data while you collect their information.

  • Informed decision-making - They help users understand complex services. Your audience can make informed decisions about your services - with your help.

Tips for calculators in interactive blogs

  • Identify needs - Develop calculators that address specific user needs. Your calculator should provide clear value to your audience, whether calculating finances or potential savings​.

  • Simple interface - Ensure your calculator interface is user-friendly. A simple, clean design with clear instructions helps people use the tool more effectively​.

  • Use powerful software - A platform like Convert is a powerful no-code option for creating interactive calculators. We provide drag-and-drop interfaces and various templates to simplify building interactive calculators.

  • Visual elements - Enhance calculators with graphs or sliders to simplify information and make it more engaging​.

  • Mobile optimization - Most users will access your calculator on mobile devices​​. Always make sure it's mobile-friendly.

4. Assessments

Assessments in interactive blogs can measure audience knowledge and enhance engagement.

Let's say your business teaches English as a second language.

You might include a quick interactive test in your blog. It could ask readers questions based on the previous section.

Actively involving readers in the blog content transforms passive reading into an active learning experience.

This deepens engagement and helps readers retain information.


Benefits of assessments for interactive blogs

  • Boost engagement - Readers actively participate in assessments. This gets them more involved in your content. Assessments are superb in educational contexts. Interaction can significantly enhance the learning experience.

  • Insights into knowledge - You gather data on what readers know about your topics. Say you see a high percentage of wrong answers on a specific topic. You can create more content to help your audience understand the subject better.

  • Improved content quality - Analyzing the outcomes of assessments helps you create better content. Using insights to generate more relevant content improves the quality for readers.

Tips for assessments in interactive blogs

  • Diverse formats - Use different assessment types like short answer questions or scenario-based tests to keep content fresh. This can cater to various reader preferences and learning styles. Your assessments will be more inclusive and engaging​​.

  • Integration with objectives - Ensure each assessment aligns with the key learning objectives of your content. This alignment keeps content relevant​.

  • Feedback and correction - Provide immediate feedback to responses. This aids in learning and keeps the readers engaged. 

  • Use software - Leverage software that helps you create and manage interactive assessments. Tools like Convert help you embed assessments directly into your blog. This provides a seamless experience for your readers​.

5. Interactive slideshows

Interactive slideshows are a clever way of presenting information on your blog. The sequential display of images, text, and other media lets you make information more digestible.

Slideshows can guide the viewer through a narrative.

Or they can showcase detailed descriptions of:

  • Products

  • Services

  • Processes

The storytelling aspect helps you keep readers engaged.

Benefits of slideshows for interactive blogs

  • More engagement - Breaking information into digestible, sequential parts keeps the audience engaged. Interactive elements like clickable arrows or dots encourage active participation​.

  • Information retention - The visual nature of slideshows helps readers retain information. Complex information becomes easier to understand​.

  • Versatility - Slideshows are versatile enough for a range of topics. Use them for educational content, marketing showcases, and more.

Tips for slideshows in interactive blogs

  • Keep it simple - The best slideshows are often generally simple and concise. Confusion is your enemy when delivering content. Convey your message clearly and without unnecessary distractions.

  • Device optimization - Ensure your slideshow is responsive and looks good on desktop and mobile devices. Adjust the size of text and images for easy viewing on smaller screens​​.

  • Navigation control - Let users control the navigation. You might include arrow controls for forward and backward movement. Dot navigation lets users quick jump to specific slides. Navigation control enhances user experience.

  • Consider SEO - Include keyword-rich alt texts for images. Keep your slideshow headings relevant to the topic, ensuring they're SEO-friendly. This helps boost visibility​​.

6. User-generated content

User-generated content (UGC) involves your audience in the creation process. They contribute content ranging from reviews and testimonials to images and videos.

Say your business is teaching woodwork. You could ask students to send images of their work or videos of them working.

UGC can significantly increase engagement. Your readers feel a part of your community.

Benefits of user-generated content for interactive blogs

  • Authenticity and trust - UGC is more genuine to readers. Because it comes from people using your products or services. This authentically shows your business in action, building trust.

  • Improved SEO - Fresh UGC can boost SEO. Because it often contains relevant keywords and can generate additional content naturally.

  • Content diversity - You can showcase various voices and perspectives, making your content more diverse. UGC also has a high sharing potential, increasing reach and engagement across different platforms​​.

Tips for user-generated content in interactive blogs

  • Encourage participation - Make it easy and rewarding for users to submit their content. Host contests, offer incentives, or show how much you value their contributions. Giving users a platform can motivate them to participate​.

  • Make UGC prominent - Integrate UGC into vital areas of your blogs. This enhances credibility with your readers and keeps your content fresh​.

  • Maintain quality - Curate the content to maintain high standards. Don't post UGC on your blog for the sake of it. The content should be high quality and relevant.

7. Interactive infographics

Interactive infographics let readers consume content visually. Viewers can engage directly with data and content.

They can use interactive elements like:

  • Clickable icons

  • Hover changes

  • Embedded images

This transforms your content into a more dynamic and engaging experience.

Benefits of interactive infographics for blogs

  • Enhanced engagement - Letting users interact with data helps capture attention more effectively. It keeps your audience engaged for longer​.

  • Improved understanding - They make complex data more accessible and easier to understand.

  • Increased retention - Interaction leads to better retention of information. Because engaging actively with data helps us reinforce learning​​. People remember 80% of what they SEE and DO.

  • Greater reach - Interactive infographics are more likely to be shared, increasing their reach. This helps you spread awareness​ and get more eyes on your blog content.

Tips for interactive infographics in blogs

  • Clear objectives - Define what you want to achieve with your infographic. This helps guide the design and functionality of the interactive elements. 

  • Simple layout - Ensure the interactive elements aren't overwhelming. They should enhance the message rather than detract from it. Guide users through the information​ with visual cues.

  • Responsive design - Check your interactive infographic performs well on all devices. Adapt content to different screen sizes and orientations for the best user experience​​.

8. Social media embeds

Integrating social media posts into blog articles can offer a richer content experience.

You can make your blog articles more engaging and timely with embedded posts from platforms like X (not calling it Twitter is still weird), Facebook, and Instagram.

The visual and interactive nature of social media can complement the informational content of the blog.

Benefits of social media embeds for interactive blogs

  • More relatable - Social media embeds can make your blog posts more relatable.

  • Social proof - They introduce a layer of social proof, showing real-time engagement or reactions to related topics. This can help establish credibility and trust with your audience.

  • Timely content - Help make the content feel more current and connected to broader social conversations.

Tips for social media embeds in interactive blogs

  • Relevant content - Make sure the social media content is on topic with your blog post. This might be a tweet from an expert, a viral Instagram photo, or a LinkedIn carousel.

  • Use official tools - Most social media platforms offer official embedding tools. These generate a snippet of code you can insert into your blog's HTML. This ensures the post displays correctly and updates dynamically.

  • Follow guidelines - Social media platforms have specific rules and limitations for embedding content. Adhering to these helps the embedded content function properly and doesn't violate any terms of service​.

  • Encourage interaction - Encourage readers to interact with your content on social media with calls to action. This can help spread awareness about your blog content.

9. Product configurators

Product configurators on blog pages let readers customize products within your content.

Potential customers can visualize and modify various aspects of a product. They can configure:

  • Color

  • Size

  • Parts

  • And more

This enhances the online shopping experience.

Product configurators are most effective when customers are ready to buy. I'd suggest using them for bottom-of-the-funnel blog content.


Benefits of product configurators for interactive blogs

  • Enhanced engagement - Configurators engage users by allowing them to interact with the product virtually. This increases time spent on your site and deeper engagement with your content​.

  • More conversions - They can significantly increase the chances of sales. Because configurators offer a hands-on, customized experience. Customers can see what they're buying, reducing hesitation and boosting conversions​.

  • Improved satisfaction - Allowing customers to configure products ensures they receive what they want. This improves customer satisfaction​.

Tips for product configurators in interactive blogs

  • Choose the best tools - Use powerful software like Convert to create product configurators. We let you set up complex product rules, dynamic pricing, and payments in a simplified no-code builder.

  • High-quality visuals - Use quality visuals that render changes in real-time as users customize the product. This helps users make informed decisions and enhances purchase confidence​.

  • Simplify navigation - Ensure your configurator is easy to use and navigate. Display all steps in the configuration process clearly.

  • Responsive across devices - The configurator should work seamlessly across desktops, tablets, and smartphones to accommodate all potential customers​.

  • Pricing transparency - Update pricing in real-time as customers customize their products. This prevents surprises at checkout and builds customer trust​.

10. Interactive stories

Interactive stories let your readers make choices that influence the content.

You could turn a typical blog into a dynamic and participatory experience. Interactive stories generally have various decision points. These lead to different story arcs, depending on the reader's choices.

Your interactive blog might do this around topics. The reader chooses:

  • Topic A

  • Topic B

  • Topic C

Each choice leads the reader to different content.

Benefits of interactive stories for blogs

  • Captivate readers - involving them directly in the content progression offers a unique and personalized reading experience.

  • More engagement - This interactivity can significantly enhance engagement. Because readers feel a sense of agency and involvement in the content's direction.

  • High replay - Interactive stories have high replay value because readers can explore different options. Maybe they chose Topic C and want to check out Topic A.

Tips for interactive stories in blogs

  • Topic building - Start by choosing clear topics relevant to your business. Picking subjects connected with each other is also a good idea​.

  • Meaningful choices - Ensure the options for readers are meaningful and impact the content's direction. For instance, you might ask readers what problem they want to solve. Their answers affect the content in the next section.

  • Test and revise - Interactive stories in blogs are complex. They need thorough testing to ensure all branches are relevant and engaging. 

  • Multimedia elements - You could use images, videos, and audio for a richer multimedia experience. This approach makes the content more engaging and has a broader appeal.

11. Animated GIFs

Animated GIFs in blog posts can add humor, explain concepts, or draw attention.

You might use them to break down a process or highlight product features.

Benefits of animated GIFs for interactive blogs

  • Boost engagement - GIFs capture attention with their motion. They keep readers engaged with the content longer than static images.

  • Better explanation - They can effectively demonstrate processes or illustrate how products work. This is more digestible than text descriptions alone.

  • More memorable - GIFs are memorable and can make your content stand out, especially if they're rare in your industry. Their unique use can improve the recall of your message.

Tips for animated GIFs in interactive blogs

  • Compress file sizes - Optimize GIFs to maintain fast page load times. This is crucial for user experience and SEO.

  • GIF with purpose - Ensure your GIFs serve a specific purpose. You might use them to explain a complicated process or enhance a call to action. Avoid excessive GIF use because it can be distracting and annoy readers​.

  • Integrate with content - Seamlessly integrate GIFs within your blog posts where they add value. Don't just add them as decorative elements. They should support the points you make in the blog article​.


There are plenty of good tools to create interactive content. Once you have decided what you'd like to create, choose the right tool for you.

You likely noticed some common benefits for each interactive blog idea.

Interactive elements in your blog content:

  • Boost user engagement

  • Spread brand awareness

  • Personalize user experience

  • Build a community with readers

  • Help gather audience insights

  • Improve product education

  • Generate more leads

Are you ready to get in on these benefits? Do you want to start creating interactive blogs?

Convert is a powerful tool for:

Build interactive elements for your blog article in minutes - no coding skills needed.

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Create powerful on brand calculators, lead generation forms and apps that automate your marketing and sales processes

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We can build your calculator, and afterwards you can always make changes yourself. Our service starts at just $250.

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Start building the future of your company, today

Create powerful on brand calculators, lead generation forms and apps that automate your marketing and sales processes

Start with a template

Find inspiration or customize an outstanding template, complete with functional formulas and flows to help you get started.

Let us build for you

We can build your calculator, and afterwards you can always make changes yourself. Our service starts at just $250.